Using Video Marketing For Your Small Business


The use of video in marketing is not a new phenomenon, but its importance as a means to promote your business should no longer be minimized. Gaining the attention of your potential customers is increasingly a challenge, yet it’s one of the most important first steps to gaining new business. The faster you can connect with your audience, the better chance you have to tell the unique story about your products or services. It’s eye-catching that according to HubSpot,  88% of video marketers report that video gives them a positive ROI.

It’s easier and more cost-effective than ever for small businesses to create and share video content. Almost every smartphone can take high-resolution videos that can easily be integrated into any social platform. There are also many inexpensive apps that can be used to aid businesses in the storyboard, scripting, and editing of their content.

Google loves video content. 

If your small business is attempting to maximize your SEO in hopes of driving more traffic to your website, video can be your not so secret weapon. If you post a video on the homepage of your website, you’re 53% more likely to appear on the first page of Google’s search results. Why? Google loves content rich web pages and the longer someone engages with your content, the higher perceived value to Google’s search algorithm. This longer engagement is reward with higher ranking is search engine results pages (SERPs).

Social Media Video Content Has Exploded.

Youtube is the second most popular website in the world. The consumption of video content is skyrocketing through the growing popularity of mobile browsing and video-sharing platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok. 59% of people are more likely to choose video over reading a blog. Video content and advertisements are more persuasive and memorable. Customers would much rather be entertained and educated about your product or service than to feel like they’re being “advertised” at and video that is editorial and informational accomplishes this goal. 

“For advertising to work, it has to attract attention before it does anything else. That task is much more complicated and expensive than in past because people’s attention spans are shorter and more brands compete for attention,” says an article on Harvard Business Review. When people are constantly being distracted, especially when they’re on social media, a video has the highest chance of tempting a potential customer to learn more. 

Video has become an effective method that can be incorporated almost anywhere that written content would be used, such as on your company or product overviews, your landing page, your instructional/customer support channel, and in your email marketing campaigns. More than 50% of consumers want to see video content from the brands they follow or research, which means that with a little bit of effort, you can gain the reward of customer engagement and higher marketing success.

Are you interested in learning more about how video content creation can benefit your business? Reach out for a consultation today.


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